Success of webinar Part 2: How to valorise biowaste

The second part of our webinar series “From organic waste to biochemicals” “Part 2: How to valorise biowaste” took place on March 17th, 2022. The focus of the second part was on the targeted CAFIPLA products. As for our first part we had interesting presentations of our CAFIPLA partners ATB, University of Ghent, AVECOM, Biotrend, FRD and DECHEMA e.V. After a short recap on part one and an overall introduction to our CAFIPLA project from our coordinator Thomas (TECNALIA), Joachim Venus (ATB) explained the production of Lactic acids from biowaste serving as a basis for further applications. In the following Kevin Sabbe from (University of Ghent) presented how Medium-chain carboxylic acids and mainly Caproic acid are produced from Lactic acid rich biowaste. Ana Carolas (Biotrend) explained how Biopolyesters (PHA) are produced from waste-derived carboxylic acids and Nele Driesen (Avecom) showed the route for producing Microbial proteins from waste-derived carboxylic acids. Both presented the versatile applications and advantages of PHA and Microbial protein. Laurent Bleuze (FRD) explained the production route of the fibre platform for the derivation of reinforced fibres, and showed how these are extracted from biowaste and which applications are of main interest.

Lastly, Karoline Wowra (DECHEMA e.V.) presented results of the CAFIPLA market assessment, showing targeted markets and potential of the CAFIPLA products PHA, Medium Chain Carboxylic acids (Caporic acid), Microbial protein and firbres.

The webinar ended with an interesting discussion of all partners and we thank all participants for joining the webinar series.

In case you missed the webinar and are now curious about the CAFIPLA technologies – you can find the recordings of the webinar here.